Bell Rock Pet Greens Garden Wheat Grass Self Grow Kit For Pets is a great way to provide ongoing green nutrition for your cats, dogs, reptiles, birds, and other small animals. Did you know that this is a safe alternative to nibbling on potentially harmful houseplants or even outdoor grasses? This particular plant aids in their digestion, controlling hairballs for cats, and providing essential nutrients like calcium for reptiles. Do you have a bird? They even benefit from juicing and pruning the blades!
_x000D_Bell Rock Pet Greens Garden Wheat Grass Self Grow Kit For Pets is an all-natural, nutrient-rich treat that include antioxidants, organ cleansing, breath freshening, digestive support, help with constipation, odour control, energy boosts, and even antiseptic properties. There are so many health benefits, that your pets will get a mouthful of it all! It’s really easy to grow, all you have to do is just add water. Always ensure that your pets have access to fresh, clean water. Kit includes Certified Organic Wheat Seed Packet and Custom Soil Mixture.
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